Category / My Poetry
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Il-ħoss tal-mewġ
Tibgħatlek il-ħoss tal-mewġ jitfissed mal-blat u inti tweġibha kemm hu sabiħ li tistenbaħ filgħodu b’dil-ħlewwa. Imma hi…
In progress…en cours
Ħallini hawn Ħallini hawn nitkebbeb bebbuxu f’qalb il-qamar sakemm tiġi lura r-rebbiegħa f’Pariġi bil-kuluri tal-ħarifa. Laisse-moi ici Laisse-moi…
Poetry in Potato Bags
Participation to Poetry in Potato Bags, a unique project focusing on the exchange of language poetry and potatoes…
Leħen il-Malti 36
Publication of my poem “Ħagar Qim” in the Maltese Literature annual journal Leħen il-Malti 36 launched during the Malta…
Stilel in Zizzanie
Literary Agenda 2017 edited by Costanza Ferrini Mincione Edizioni This special agenda features a collection of poetry and…