Category / My Poetry
Interview by Marisol Bohórquez Godoy for Libero America
Interview by Marisol Bohórquez Godoy for Libero America ELIZABETH GRECH- “MI OBJETIVO ES OBSERVAR LOS PEQUEÑOS DETALLES, LA…
Leħen il-Malti 37
Publication of my poem “Il-Mara r-rieqda” in the Maltese Literature annual journal Leħen il-Malti 37 launched during the Malta…
Poems translated to Albanian by Arjan Kallço
Translation from Italian to Albanian by the poet Arjan Kallço (2018). Poems in Italian translated from my version…
International Poetry Festival Macedonia 18-22 October 2018
The International Poetry Festival – Ditët e Naimit was held in Tetovo, Macedonia and in Pogradec, Albania from…
My poems in Rivista Clandestino
Translated into Italian by Kevin Saliba, six poems were published in the Italian online literary journal Clandestino with…
Intervistata minn Elena Cardona
Intervista tiegħi ma’ Elena Cardona fl-ewwel programm mis-sensiela “Il-Malti, il-Letteratura u lil hinn” fl-10 t’Awissu fl-4.00pm fuq jew frekwenza 89.3FM.…
Poems in Romanian
Three of my poems have been translated into Romanian by Valeriu Butulescu, playwright, translator, poet and essayist and published…
Festival international de poésie de Sidi Bou Saïd
J’ai le plaisir de participer au Festival international de poésie de Sidi Bou Saïd pour présenter mes poésies en…
Tikka poeżija
Ktibt żewġ poeżiji għat-tfal li ġew ippubblikati f’Tikka Poeżija, ġabra ta’poeżiji għat-tfal tat-tielet u r-raba’ sena tal-primarja, fergħa ġdida…
Paġna Mmarkata
Paġna Mmarkata is a magazine in Maltese that can also be used as a bookmark. Paġna Mmarkata hija…