Category / My Poetry
“Her face” published on ActiveMuse, India
My poem “Her face”, orginally written in Maltese and translated into English, is published in the online literary…
EUNIC Rome Reading – Giornata internazionale della poesia
I have been invited to participate in the poetry reading organised by EUNIC Rome on the occasion of…
Poésie publiée dans, magazine des cultures et société méditerranéennes (photo par Virginia Monteforte) 11/03/2019 La femme…
Cave of darkness by Trevor Borġ
The Maltese artist Trevor Borġ invited me to write on his photos that will be presented at the…
Anthology of Maltese Poets in Greek
Anthology of Young Maltese Poets including works by Clifton Azzoppardi, Norbert Bugeja, Glen Calleja, Miriam Calleja, Leanne Ellul, Elizabeth Grech and Karl Schembri published by Vakxikon…
bejn baħar u baħar
bejn baħar u baħar, ta’ Elizabeth Grech Fi kliem Clare Azzopardi: “Xi drabi, dawn il-poeżiji huma kalmi, siekta u saħansitra…
Poem published in Poetry Bay Literary Journal
My poem “New Stories” has been published in the Winter 2018-2019 issue of Poetry Bay, an online literary…
Contemporary Maltese Poets in Romanian
I am happy to share with you this new anthology of contemporary Maltese poets including works by Adrian Grima Clare…